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Wolves for the Bears: Book 5 Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas
Wolves for the Bears: Book 5 Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas Read online
Wolves for the Bears
(Book 5, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)
By E A Price
Copyright ©2014 by Elizabeth Ann Price
All rights reserved. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Next Up
Esther kissed her lover. “You know I don’t love him don’t you?”
Her lover turned away from her. “I know but it doesn’t make it any easier. Seeing you with him... seeing him with his hands on you... I hate it... I hate that I can’t say or do anything...”
Esther sighed and lay back on the bed. “It’s complicated...”
“So you keep saying...”
Esther bit her lip. “I only love you, I’ll only ever love you.”
Her lover leaned on an elbow watching her closely. “That’s what you keep saying but he’s still your husband...”
Esther stroked her fingers down her lover’s cheek. “We don’t... we’re not intimate... he’s not interested in me... he’s never really been interested in me... he only married me because of my family...”
“Why can’t you just leave him and be with me?”
Esther snorted. “You think the pack would welcome a married bear shifter into their ranks? You really think they’d accept the two of us?”
Her lover huffed. “They’re not as backwards as you seem to think and besides, if they don’t want you then they don’t want me either. I’d leave them to be with you, don’t ever doubt that.”
Esther kissed her lover. “You’d really leave your family for me?”
“I’d give anything to be with you.”
Esther felt tears prickle. “I feel the same way... which is why I can’t leave my husband, why we can’t openly be together... it’s too dangerous... I couldn’t stand it if you got hurt...”
Her lover was angry. “Why don’t you let me make that decision?”
“Because I can’t bear to lose you!” Screamed Esther.
Esther openly sobbed curling herself into a ball.
“Sshhhh, it’s okay, I’m sorry, please don’t cry. I’m sorry.” Her lover stroked her hair.
Esther uncurled herself and looked up through bleary eyes. “No I’m sorry... I hate this... I hate not being together... I hate having to be with Andy...”
“I know, I know. Let’s not fight. Let’s just enjoy what little time we have together. Let’s worry about everything tomorrow...”
Esther nodded and smiled weakly.
They kissed and fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Chapter One
1st August
Mac Grey hopped from foot to foot a little impatiently, and a little nervously. She was stood at the Alexandria bus station waiting for her brother to pick her up.
After four years of college and one year of backpacking she was going home. Which was a small town in northern Virginia called Rose. Her brother was the Alpha of the town’s grey wolf pack, of which she was also a member. Although admittedly she had been an absent member for the past five years, they were still her family.
She had visited of course, but never for more than a week at a time, and she hadn’t visited in almost a whole year. She’d been just a phone call away all the time, but it wasn’t the same.
Her wolf was eager to get home, having been on the sidelines for the last five years her wolf was keen to sink back into pack life.
Mac herself was in two minds as to whether her return was a good thing or not. On one hand she had been homesick numerous times over the past five years and was keen to get back to her old life. But then again, she had changed a lot since she left. No longer was she the scrawny, gangly kid, she was now a strong confident young woman, whose breasts, thank god, had finally filled out... a little. They had been a source of much contention growing up.
Where the hell was Adam?
“Delilah Grey?” A deep voice rumbled in her ear, she almost leapt in the air.
She spun round to find herself facing an enormous muscled chest. Eyes wide she looked up to find an enormous man... no an enormous bear shifter stood in front of her. He was gorgeous.
He smiled crookedly at her, his warm brown eyes sparkling. His strong, square jaw was covered in stubble and his dark brown hair was cropped closely to his head.
He towered over her, not an easy feat considering she was five foot eight. He was at least a foot taller than her. He was wearing a plaid shirt and ripped jeans. He looked so masculine she thought, a girlish thrill shooting through her body. Her sex fluttered and her wolf suddenly took notice of the rugged shifter before her.
“Ummm.... ahh... ummm.” God did she have to come off like a mental patient?!
He raised his eyebrows.
“Ummm yes technically I’m Delilah... but I hate that name... so everyone calls me Mac, which is short for Mackenzie... which is my middle name... and I tell people it’s my actual name... because I hate Delilah...” She kept telling her mouth to shut-up but it wasn’t taking any notice.
“Nice to meet you Mac,” his deep voice practically made her toes curl in pleasure, “it’s a shame you don’t like it, Delilah’s a really pretty name.”
She felt her whole body warm under his amused glance. She sniffed the air and sighed, it was like a mixture of orange and ginger. Her favourite flavours, sweet and spicy. It was the loveliest, most enticing thing she had ever smelt. Holy crap it was coming from him!
Her heart sped up and her sex quivered at the realisation. He was her mate. Her wolf yipped in happiness, more animated than she had been in years.
A wide grin blossomed over her face. Mine.
Andy smiled down on the cute little wolf stood before him. Adam’s description of her had not been accurate at all.
Thanks to a pack problem, something to do with an accident on one of the construction company’s building sites, Adam was going to be late picking up his little sister. So Adam, knowing Andy was near Alexandria had asked him to go meet her.
Adam had described her as tallish, gangly and skinny. Flat like a plank of wood. That wasn’t her at all. Alright so she was quite tall by human standards, about average for a female wolf shifter though, and short compared to him. But no way was she gangly.
She was lithe with a few curves in all the right places. Her long black hair fell past her shoulders and her grey eyes were startling. Her face was oval and her pretty dark pink mouth was striking, she had a bewitching little smile. As ambiguous and fascinating as the Mona Lisa’s.
She was like a Greek Goddess. Athena or more likely Aphrodite. Goddess of love...
He shook himself, he was getting a lit
tle fanciful about her. And a little carried away, he could feel himself becoming aroused by the attractive wolf in front of him and that was definitely off the table.
He cleared his throat. “I’m Andy Harper. Your brother asked me to pick you up, he got caught up in...”
“Let me guess? Pack business.” She rolled her eyes but smiled. “Daughter of an Alpha, sister of an Alpha, I know the drill by now. No biggie.”
He stood staring at her for a few moments. She chewed her cheek. “So... you got a car? I take it you’re not planning on giving me a piggy back all the way back to Rose?” She tried to laugh nonchalantly, to cover her nervousness. The idea of a piggy back actually sounded kind of fun...
Andy blushed a little. He was just stood there gawking at her. She must think he was such a moron. “Right, yeah, jeez I’m sorry let me help you with your bags.”
He leaned past her to scoop up one of her suitcases, his arm brushed against hers. Blissful tingles darted through his body alighting every nerve ending. His long silent bear roared within.
Andy stood up straight in shock. It had been almost a year since his bear had last communicated with him. The two parts of him had not gotten along recently.
It was a pleasant surprise to hear him again. The bear rolled over in his mind growling beatifically, like the last year had never happened. Was this because of Delilah... or Mac as she preferred?
The sudden connection to the bear left him a little breathless, he took a few deep gulps of air and realised what had made his bear suddenly sit up and take notice. It was her.
She smelled of freshly baked honeybuns. It aroused him, made him hungry and made him want to jump for joy all at the same time. He knew by the sweet scent currently invading his senses why his bear was so unexpectedly co-operative. She was his mate. The bear wanted to be with his mate.
Oh hell! She was his mate.
From the delighted look on her beautiful face clearly she either knew it as well or she suspected it. This was not good...
Mac froze at the furious expression on Andy’s face. Something was wrong. Had he realised she was his mate and not been pleased? Oh god no!
Okay, so she knew she wasn’t exactly perfect... she wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea... she could be a little goofy... and talk too much... and she didn’t always have a filter on her brain... but come on! How could he be angry? He didn’t even really know her, he hadn’t even given himself a chance to dislike her!
Her wolf whined, and Mac almost did too.
She saw his muscles clench, her eyes tracked down his enormous arms to the suitcase he was holding in his hand. In his left hand. Which happened to have a gold band on the fourth finger. A gold wedding band...
She gasped. Her mate was already married. The one man on earth meant for her was taken by another woman. She hadn’t even stepped foot in her home town yet and already she felt like her life was over.
Did she also mention she tended toward the over dramatic sometimes? Another of her many faults she thought bitterly.
He picked up another of her suitcases, refusing to look at her.
“My truck’s this way.” He muttered heavily.
She nodded, and picking up the rest of her luggage she trailed behind him.
He ground his teeth. What the hell was he supposed to do now?
Chapter Two
The drive to Rose was fraught with tension.
Andy cast surreptitious glances in Mac’s direction. She was pointedly staring out the window. Her delicate face was turned away from him, her long graceful neck bared to his sight. His desire for her grew, his erection was slowly becoming rock-hard. Fuck he was getting a hard on from just looking at her damn neck, the sight of her naked would probably kill him...
Great, now he was imagining her naked! His animal moaned in satisfaction. His head was full of thoughts of her long creamy legs, her small but pert breasts, her smooth stomach leading down to her... A car horn blared at him. He swerved back to his side of the road. Fuck, she really was going to kill him...
She jerked her head towards him a disapproving look on her face. He felt himself blush. If she only knew what he was thinking.
He already felt like he was about to spontaneously combust, his embarrassment almost pushed him over the edge.
Quickly Andy turned up the air conditioning. It whistled dully and he gulped down breaths of cold air.
Mac looked at him chewing her lip. Was he as affected by her as she was by him? She thought she felt his eyes on her, the distraction almost causing them to crash. But then again maybe she was just hoping that was the case, maybe he was just a bad driver...
The cool air ghosted over her heated skin. It was a welcome relief from the warmth his closeness caused.
Covertly she studied him. Andy’s brow was furrowed and his mouth set in grim line of determination. The veins pulsed in his neck, she could practically smell the blood flowing. She imagined it would taste heavenly. She would sink her fangs deep in his neck as they had sex, as she orgasmned, then they would be blood bonded. She would taste him and savour him...
She shivered with desire; her nipples hardened and she felt her panties moisten. Hastily she crossed her arms and pressed her legs together. She didn’t want him to know the effect he had on her... not yet, not until she knew him a little more... maybe his marriage wasn’t happy... maybe he could just leave his wife... maybe they weren’t even blood bonded...
No, bad wolf! Her beast whined in her head. She wanted nothing more than to pull over to the side of the road and bond with the bear sitting only inches from her... but Mac was ruled by her head, not her heart and definitely not her sex. Although it was a close race.
Her head told her she had to find out more about him first, she had to find the lay of the land before anything else. Maybe there was a reasonable explanation like... maybe his wife was dead and he was just still wearing the ring... yes, yes that would suit everyone... except his dead wife...
God she felt awful.
She rubbed her arms and pinched them, a little pain to bring back her back to her senses. They were getting away from her.
“You cold?” His throaty rumble cut through the silence making her jump.
“Ummm no, I’m fine thanks.” She answered meekly, not wanting him to really know why she was pinching herself. She didn’t really want her mate to think she was a nut.
No, he wasn’t her mate. Her wolf whined a little more loudly and a little more pathetically. Alright so technically he was... but technically he might already belong to someone else... so technically he couldn’t be hers...
Ugh! That thought was depressing.
She had to force herself to act normally. Everything about the situation wasn’t normal but she had to force herself anyway.
She cleared her throat, a little theatrically. “So... how long have you...” Been married? Been having sex with another woman? Been cheating on her? Alright she was being a little unreasonable... okay a lot unreasonable.
He stole expectant glances of her. “How long have you lived in Rose?” Whew, good girl! well done, you actually managed a whole sentence!
“Almost a year... so I guess you grew up in Rose? Yeah of course you did, I already know you did.”
He laughed nervously. He sounded like such a dork. He was 30 years old for god’s sake, he hadn’t been scared of girls in years. Although not that many years... he’d been kind of nerdy and gawky growing up. Okay he still was, but at least he hadn’t been picked on since his muscles filled out.
“Yep, Rose born and bred.” She smiled awkwardly. “So what made you decide to move to Rose? If you don’t mind me asking... if you do mind then I’m sorry you don’t have to answer...” Stop talking, for the love of god stop talking.
“My cousin Dylan suggested we move here so we could help Charlie set up her shop.”
Shit he said we, meaning him and his wife... would she pick up on the ‘we’? Apparently he’d lost the ability to think clearly, why couldn’t he
lose the ability to speak? His bear agreed with that sentiment.
“Dylan and Charlie Reese?” Dylan was a bear shifter and Charlie was a tiger shifter, they were married and had two young children. They were waiting to see what kind of shifters they would turn out to be, they wouldn’t shift until they were 13. People were already taking bets.
“Yeah, you know them?” Good she was focussing on something else.
“Sure, Dylan works for Adam and Charlie’s great, she made me my prom dress.” She gave a very flat Mac the illusion of having an hourglass figure, the woman was a miracle worker.
“So... we being you and your wife?” Mac tensed waiting for the answer. Worst case scenario he said yes. Best case scenario he said yes but they were getting divorced. Oh she felt bad wishing for that, her wolf had no such qualms though and was howling in anticipation. Terrible case scenario, he said we meant his wife and kids...
Andy jerked in her direction. Mac inclined her head to his wedding band. He glanced at it in surprise, like he was seeing it for the first time.
He rubbed his ring finger with his thumb. Fuck he’d forgotten he was even wearing it. No wonder she’d been so distant with him, he’d assumed she was just taken aback at meeting her mate. He dreaded what she thought of him...
But surely he wasn’t the first married man to meet his mate, was he? He knew plenty of couples who had settled with someone who wasn’t their true mate, not everyone did meet their true mate, and not wanting to die alone they settled. That wasn’t to say they weren’t happy.
So surely this had come up before... he wondered how other people handled it. Probably better than him, he was panicking and sweating up a storm.
She was staring at him. Answer the damn question! “Umm yeah, me and my wife Esther. She, uh, works in Charlie’s shop.”
“Oh.” She sighed quietly. Not great... She turned back to the window. “So how long have you been married?”
He forced himself to concentrate on the road, gripping the steering wheel tightly. He could hear the hurt in her voice and his beast was urging him to soothe her, to take her in his arms but he couldn’t do that... he just couldn’t... not with the way things were.